Recover from your ex and prepare yourself so an even better relationship can appear

It can be hard to get over an ex when it wasn’t your choice to end the relationship, especially if it came as a surprise to you. Or if you still have feelings for your ex and they have moved on with someone else.

There is no hard and fast rule as to how long it will take to get over an ex or romantic relationship that you were invested in. The time you spent in the relationship is not an indicator either.

It can take longer for you to get over an ex if they are part of a key friendship group, someone you regularly encounter at work or if they live nearby.

There is no need to feel foolish about how heartbroken you are. It’s natural to want a relationship you are enjoying to never end.

Seeing a professional can help you understand your reaction to your situation and help you process your feelings towards your ex so that you can emerge stronger and go on to have a more loving relationship than the one you had with your ex.

The average length of a relationship before marriage is between two and five years. 
